Þegar starfsmanni HA var boðið í utanhúss teymi varð til notandi gesta notandi (#EXT#) í Office365 umhverfi viðkomandi stofnunar/fyrirtækis.
Eftir flutning yfir í Menntaskýið er þessi (#EXT#) notandi ennþá að vísa á gamla Office365 umhverfið okkar.
- eyða gesta notanda úr Office365 umhverfi þeirrar stofnunar sem teymið tilheyrir
- Eigandi teymis þarf að setja sig í samband við tölvudeild (kerfisstjóra) sinnar stofnunar/fyrirtækis og biðja um að gestanotanda verði eytt út úr Office365 umhverfinu
- notandanafn í Office 365 umhverfi inniheldur "unak.is#EXT#"
þegar staðfesting á því að notanda hefur verið eytt má bæta notanda aftur í viðkomandi
- Eigandi teymis þarf að gera þetta
Access to external Teams broke after all UNAK users were migrated to the new Menntaský O365 tenant.
An external (#EXT#) user is created when a UNAK user was invited to an external Team at the respective institute/organization.
After the Menntaský migration this (#EXT#) user is still trying to refer to the user in our old environment.
The following actions are needed in order to fix this problem regarding access to external Teams.
- Delete the guest (#EXT#) account from the institution/organization where the Team resides
- The team owners need to contact their IT department and request they delete the external (#EXT#) user
- The username of our external user contain the following string "unak.is#EXT#"
- Add user to the respective Team again after confirmation of deletion.
- The Teams owner needs to perform this step like before.